Exercises and Routines

Warm Ups and Stretches

Before I have my students begin their daily activities or workout, I have them start with a routine that consists of our daily warm up exercises that we are calling ”The Daily 10.”

All stretches are a 10 second count.

Sitting — (1) Hug knee (R, L); (2) Hurdle or Figure 4 stretch; Standing Up—(3) Funky Frog; (4) Quad stretch; (5) Lunge stretch; (6) Achilles or calf stretch; (7) Straight Arm across body stretch; (8) Back Scratch holding elbows.; (9) 5-10+ push-ups—regular or on your knees; (10) Low plank on elbows 20+ seconds.

The Epic Five

Each day will consist of a routine workout that lasts approximately 5 minutes. Each exercise is 30 seconds with little pause in between exercises. If you need more time in between that is ok. You do the best you can. Try to challenge yourself. At the conclusion of the workout, you should spend a couple minutes sitting crisscross applesauce, eyes closed, hands in lap and slowly breathing deep--in through your nose and out through your mouth (approximately 12-15 times). You can do more than one session in a day if you would like.

Here’s an example of one day’s Epic Five Routine:

Movin’ Monday: Cardio/Abs (or Stomach)

(1) Standing March Steps (2) Stomach Crunches (½ way up sit up) knees bent.

(3) Mt. Climbers (foot to hand) (4) Stomach Alternating Scissor Kick—Google

(5) Standing March Steps (6) Stomach Crunches

(7) Mt. Climbers (8) Scissor Kick

(9) Standing March Steps (10) Stomach Crunches

Fitness Challenges

Sometime students find it fun to be challenged. While the below can be done alone, you can suggest they contact a friend and challenge them as well. Some of these can be timed or they can be done as a race. They can even do many of these activities while watching TV!


Plank challenge: hold plank (forearm or hands) for as long as you can. Try to aim for two minutes.

Extra challenge: raise alternate legs.

Fitness tip: While brushing your teeth tonight, stand on one leg at a time to challenge your balance.


Core challenge:

  • On your back,

o   25 bicycle crunches

o   25 leg lifts (alternate legs to make it more challenging)

o   25 sit ups.

Fitness tip: Use alternative methods to stay active. Walk the dog with greater frequency and duration. Help your family with chores and yardwork.


Pushup challenge: On your knees or in a full plank do 5 sets of 5 pushups.

Extra: Lift one leg at a time.


Find an online resource. There are many YouTube videos and resources that can challenge your fitness. Do a HIIT class, a yoga class or be creative and make your own fitness video! If you find a good resource, please share it with me.


15 burpees

15 jumping jacks

15 side to side ski jumps